Spectators can get up close and personal with aircraft at 2019 Waukegan Air Show
What started as a small aircraft display more than 20 years ago has become an annual air show attracting up to 20,000 civilians and military personnel to the Waukegan National Airport.
The Northern Illinois Air Show, set for Sept. 7, will inspire, wow and awe spectators as historical combat aircraft fly fast, upside down and in formation, according to show president Tom Coogan.
They’ll experience noise, smoke, expertly coordinated flights and likely a rush of adrenaline. “There will be lots of things going boom,” Coogan said.
The Waukegan show might not be quite as spectacular as the annual air show held in Chicago each August but Coogan said it has some advantages.
“In Waukegan, you are able to walk up to the aircraft. You can talk to the crew. You can watch them take off and land — and they’re doing all their flying right over the airport. That’s opposed to the…..(continue to story). Written by Sheryl DeVore – Lake County News-Sun

Military aircraft fly in formation during the Northern Illinois Air Show in Waukegan.
(Northern Illinois Air Show)