Air show to honor veterans, demonstrate war tactics

As the National Anthem rings out at noon on Sept. 9 across Waukegan National Airport, skydiving parachutists will descend from the sky to begin the annual show of aerial maneuvers.

Trailing behind them will be smoke and the American flag — and if that doesn’t tug on the heart strings, the opening act will be followed with a four-plane jet missing-man formation as “America the Beautiful is sung.

The formation is to “honor the fallen heroes of 9/11,” said Thomas Coogan, president of the Northern Illinois Air Show.

Coogan added the formation will also recognize the recent loss of local warplane pilot Vlado Lenoch, who died while piloting the Baby Duck P-51D Mustang when it crashed in Kansas in July….. (continue to story). Written by Sheryl DeVore, a freelance reporter for the News-Sun